Sunday, October 17, 2010

Münster Trip 1

Yesterday we took a free train to Münster, 45 minutes away.Pictures here.

It was weird to see abstract stain glass windows in the cathedral. The organ was enormous. I would love to press the keys and feel that room fill up with sound. There was also a “castle” with a Botanical garden behind it. The Garden had an art gallery in it for a man whose name I don’t recall

Unfortunately it was rather Cold and Wet...

I spent the train ride talking to a friend from England about her view on Germany, and what things are the same across Europe and what is unique to Germany. The ridiculous amount of Alcohol in public is unique to Germany. Small cars are European. Working 35-40 hours a week is European (except France where they strike after 32 hours). All British folk learn French and then maybe german or spanish. Germans learn English, then often times french

Also, thinking about what it means to be “Real” or “Genuine” and if that is alway good, bad, or otherwise.

Classes start this week, except for language classes, which means I have Monday off...

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