Sunday, October 31, 2010

Church Adventure part II

Today was church in Andreas Gemeinde. I believe it is a baptist church, although I admittedly have hardly any idea what that means both here in Germany and back in the states. I didn't understand much of the teaching but it was a good time to think and journal. We started with hymns with a piano, and then moved to a band and more contemporary although somewhat muted music. We did "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" in German, which I assume was the language it was written in though I'm not certain. Interestingly enough the latter half of each of the verses have less syllables and so they switch to a 3/4 time signature (like a waltz). There are a number of college students that attend there and every week they go back to an apartment for lunch, very reminiscent of the brunch at Ozzy's last year. It was a great time to connect with German students and they helped teach me German. I have one more church I'd like to visit next week before I pick a place.

Also today I finally went for a run along the river that passes through town (it's a pretty week river), but came across some beautiful spots where I'm looking forward to relaxing, reading, and picturing.

k later

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