Why Blog?

Why am I doing this?  I could say because my life is soooo interesting that I'm sure everybody around the world wants to read about it but that's probably not the case.  

Well here's the deal.  Have you ever gone through a whole week and then looked back to reflect on it and thought "did anything happen this week that I actually care about?  Did I just waste a week of my life?  what was the point?"  I have found that happens far too often.  There are too many motions to go through in life, some good and some otherwise, that sometimes we forget about the other things.  

This blog is an accounting of the other things.  What did I see and love?  What did I appreciate?  What was new? What did I learn?  What did I accomplish?  

I should add that I'm an optimist at least 95% of the time so those questions are all positive things but from time to time there are negative things too worth marking too I suppose since we live in a world that is far from perfect, even from an optimistic perspective.  What made me angry or frustrated?  What hurt?  How should I do differently?  Those are here as well.

There we have a list of questions generally ignored but of which I am practicing awareness.  If I go a week without blogging, likely it was because I was too tied up with the motions and didn't take any time to think about anything.  That or the other possibility is I'm thinking of things that I don't want everybody on the internet to see.  I suppose that happens too.

If you want to keep an I on how I'm doing and what I find intriguing, go ahead and follow my blog.  Maybe you'll find it intriguing too.  I want to challenge you to do the same and see the world around you.  I can guarantee you it will be a worthwhile experience.