Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pie Problem (Girls are like Pie)

Pie Problem

If I eat one more pie, i'll DIE!
If I can't have one more piece of pie, i'll DIE!
so since it's all decided I must have one more piece of pie.


Chomp - Gulp - Bye.

-Shel Silverstein

So I wonder if this is analogy for girls. Can't live without them but you can't live with them either. Kind of a lose lose situation, or actually I guess sticking to my optimistic view on life in general it may actually be a win win, but either way life just seems more difficult with and without girls... :P

I think the analogy breaks down for the last two lines though. And just so people don't go reading things into this it wasn't inspired by anyone in particular. I think it's just an amusing expression of the general opinion of men (I hope this doesn't get me in trouble).

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