Sunday, January 9, 2011

Galette des Rois

Here it is. Galette is a French tradition that I've gotten to experience three times this week. Throughout the month of January French folk make these cakes and insert one of the little figures pictured on the bottom right. Whoever finds the figure in their piece is the king or queen and gets to make the next Galette at the next gathering. The problem is it may be biased. If I know where the figure is I may deliberately give that piece to a friend. To make sure that never happens, the youngest person crawls under the table where they can't see anything and then announces who should receive each piece. It's amusing because usually the youngest person is about 20 years old since we're all college students.

I'll also mention here that today we passed three kids dressed as kings going door to door like people do for halloween except they were asking for charity donations instead of candy, and were pretending to be the 3 wise men who came to visit Jesus after his birth.

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