Monday, January 24, 2011

Dog Attack!

So I was walking from the bus stop to church, about a 7 minute stroll in an area more or less deserted on a Sunday morning. Well all of a sudden this very angry dog comes running out of a driveway. Consider that it may have looked roughly like this dog's little brother:
Thus, it was significantly smaller in stature but with comparable ferocity. I didn't have my camera available or I would have whipped it out. I was debating between running off screaming and just laughing at it. I had just read though about a kid who was attacked my wolves and knew the most important thing is DON'T RUN! I figured my situation was similar and decided not to run. His teeth did look rather sharp though and I wasn't gonna tolerate any biting.

So back to the story, he's on the sidewalk between me and where I need to be. He keeps coming closer. I like to keep at least two feet (unit of measurement, not literally) between me and snarling dogs. When he came into that bubble I decided to back up, but he keeps coming. I guess he missed the hint that he was invading my personal space. I warned him (in a very stern voice) that if he attacked I would be left with no choice but to kick him in the jaw. The odds were heavily in my favor in such an occasion. I didn't really want to kick him. I wouldn't really know what to do with a dog that had a broken jaw whimpering on the sidewalk. I didn't think about the fact that the dog speaks German, but nonetheless he seemed to get the message. We circled each other like boxers in the ring until he was no longer blocking my way, and with a few more stern words I was on my way. The hound, utterly intimidated ran back up the driveway from whence it came with it's tail between it's legs. Victory was mine and I didn't have to hurt anybody. I continued on my way to church with a chuckle and little extra adrenaline flowing through my veins. I went on to have a rather marvelous day with lots of food and friends.

Also, have I mentioned I'll be back in Pittsburgh February 28th. If I haven't already outlined my plans between now and then I'll write about them soon. I'll take a look.
peace out,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You didn't say "hitherto". You know "hitherto, I had not kicked any dog in the jaw". You could give "henceforth" a try,too. I think it goes:)