Monday, March 8, 2010


So I've been thinking about a lot of things over the past two or three weeks, some of which are uncomfortable, while others are frustrating. I don't really get why God is doing what he's doing, and set things up to be the way they are. Those are always thoughts I used to push aside and just say "all's good, I trust God," and while I trust him, that doesn't mean I understand or am happy all the time about how he's doing things. That's all just to give some background on how I'm coming into this and I'm sure plenty of you can relate on one level or another.

I was reading Psalm 43:5 and remembered, "oh yeah, all this stuff going on here is temporary, and no matter how it's going I know that God has rescued me from hell and I'll spend eternity with him one day." That's not to say I'm totally ok with everything in life now, but it's good to realize how small all this really is. I had lost that perspective and it was hurting. Maybe I have that optimistic perspective back because it's sunny and beautiful outside. Who knows, but anyway it's good to have.

By the way my picture of Rochester on my last entry was biased... the sun does actually shine here sometimes during the day. If I had my cable for my camera I would post a picture.
Enjoy Spring Quarter!

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