Friday, June 3, 2011

Radical. again.

Here's another 2 days of sun. I may have lost my camera and spent the sunset searching for it in the second one and missed the sun itself, but it's summer so the sun always comes back. This afternoon I got to spend time with a friend from YWAM (Youth With A Mission). I was reminded of what is so terrific about this group of people that have been a part of my life off and on for many years now. The excitement to take risks for God, and the complete willingness to step, even when terrified of where you'll land, marks these people. They have exactly the same education, background, fears, dreams as I do, only they are willing to step anywhere. It was just another reminder of what God has for us. I'm not allowed to just live a normal American life. That is not actually even a legitimate option. There is nothing that is too crazy to do. I could make a list of options:

- Provide clean water to the whole country of Liberia.
- Make homes for thousands of families.
- Lead the top 12 CEO's in the world to christ.
- Get PUMA to follow the example of TOMS and give away a shoe for every shoe sold.
- Lead an entire University to the Lord.
- Remove poverty from a major city.
- Invest a million dollars in missions.

It's not a matter of, "Am I qualified to do any of that? Which is small enough for me to do?" It's instead, "God, which of these should I do? If you don't tell me than I'll just do all of them!" Because God likes us, each of us is completely capable of doing something that will literally change the world.



Andrea said...

aaah don't go to Germany, RIT needs that kind of passion and voice. Who will tell the other engineers this if you're not here to convince them?

Kimmy said...

another crazy person like me ;)
do all of them!