Tuesday, October 4, 2011

oh I'll make it I reckon.

God can always be counted on.  Did I say that before?  Here I am going through the month, money is just barely going to last me until my first paycheck and then my bank card stops working.  I managed to get it all scratched up in my wallet.  I go to the bank to deal with it and the lady at the counter says, “Okay, that’ll be 20€.”  ... “Okay,” said I, “hold that thought, I don’t have 20€ this second.”  So I go home in a rather stressed way inwardly, and get to counting all my loose change and doing a little math.  If I’m super careful, I could possibly make it to next friday when my paycheck comes, but who knows, it’ll be close. Then I remembered that Monday being a holiday, everything would be closed, including the bakery where I get some free food on Mondays for the week... Eating will be even a bigger challenge.  I think God tried to remind me that he was God and could handle it that evening when I was so stressed, but he said it in German and it didn’t really sink in. So I decide I can just maybe kind of afford the card, which I need actually to collect money when it does come so I can pay for my visa on next Monday.  Well I get to the bank all ready to buy a new card, and what should I find, but it’s a different lady who gives me a card for free, along with a case that will protect my card from future scratches!  With an extra 20€ in hand, I can undoubtedly make it through the week.  God has yet to leave me hanging.  Maybe I’ll start trusting him soon.

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