Sunday, January 1, 2012

Home Means:

Home means lower doorknobs, and bedrooms without keyholes.
It's windows that open up and down instead of in and out, and it's winter so they're closed.
It's my guitar and fitting tweed case.
It's book after book, and internet everywhere.
It's a sound system that shakes the kitchen below me.
We enter on the first floor, because we don't have ground floors.
And that first floor is a figure eight, around which I can chase my sisters.
It's family and hugs, and hugs and family.  Love all around.
It's peanut butter or Reeses, it's tortilla chips and spicy salsa.
It's living on the top of a mountain that makes every run hurt twice as fast.
It's having wildlife come through the backyard, and a dog through the living room.  
It's a kitchen for 4 instead of 2, and of course a living room dining room family room to boot.
It's hosting 5 friends and a Grandma all at once.
It comes with a dryer for my clothes and a rack for dirty shoes that shouldn't be in my room.
It means never having to walk farther than the garage.
It's temperatures in Fahrenheit and gas in gallons.
Grooveshark works and GEMA doesn't block every second YouTube video

Most of all though it's back to the family and hugs and hugs and family, and friends and hugs too.

These are the things I've missed the past 4 months, not in any sort of order, just things I've noticed in the last week.  It's not a comparison of Germany against the United States, just of my life in Erlangen against my life at home.

1 comment:

Allison said...

i like it. :) enjoy it sir!