Monday, September 27, 2010

Now I'll be spinning through Germany

Hey all,
Some of you know me a little better than others so here's some background.

I've finished studying 2 years of Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology. I spent this summer (all the way up til this last friday) co-oping which was a great experience and I learned a lot. Now I'm taking care of final details to fly to Germany.

I'll be there for one German semester which puts me roughly October through February. I'll be taking classes getting all my liberal arts classes out of the way.

Here are some expectations for the trip:

- Become really Great at German
- Travel around Europe
- Make contacts for International Co-ops in the future
- See the culture first hand; work ethic, religion, and family values are of primary interest

Hopefully through all of these I'll end up with a better understanding of my future, and if Europe will play any significant role in it. I'm sure I'll have loads of stories and great pictures. I'll be keeping people posted on my blog. You can follow it, put it on google reader, Buzz, RSS it, or however you keep up with websites. The address is:

Keep in touch. I'll have this email address while I'm there and would love to stay in the loop on what you've got going on.
Auf Wiedersehen

Love and Peace,
Ryan Nathan Wilson

1 comment:

Holli said...

Good luck, Ryan. Have a wonderful trip!