Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Life in Slow Motion

It's interesting, when I first started blogging it was because life was flying 1000 miles a minute and I needed to stop and remember what I enjoyed, and what I was thinking about, and even make sure I was still thinking at all. Now that I'm back home that hardly seems necessary since it seems I have almost nothing but the time to do that. So far working only 40 hours a week seems quite relaxing. I'm sure things will pick up soon enough. I'll be back home from the beach soon, and then I'd like to start building another, better, longboard. We'll see.

I'm also currently reading Unceasing Worship by Harold M. Best so I'm sure I'll have thoughts on that to come. It's significantly deeper than I expected.

Auf Wiedersehen--

1 comment:

liz said...

what a tranquil place. envy creeps up :)